Lifestyle Medicine Compared to Other Approaches to Patient Care > 의학

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Lifestyle Medicine Compared to Other Approaches to Patient Care

페이지 정보

작성자 소겸 댓글 0건 조회 267회 작성일 24-09-24 17:26


Lifestyle Medicine1 

-Emphasis on promoting behavior changes that allow the body to heal itself. 

-Focus on evidence-based optimal nutrition, stress management and fitness prescriptions 

-Patients are active partners in their care 

-Treats the underlying lifestyle causes of disease 

-Physician/Provider educates, guides and supports patients to make behavior changes 

-Medications used as an adjunct to therapeutic lifestyle changes 

-Patient’s home and community environment are assessed as contributing factors.. 



- Emphasis on making a diagnosis and treatment with pharmaceuticals or surgery 

-Patient is passive recipient of care 

-Focuses on symptoms or signs of disease not the underlying lifestyle causes. 

-Patient is not expected to make significant behavior changes 

- Physician/Provider directs care - medical model. 

- Medications are the primary therapeutic intervention. 

-Patient’s home and community environment are typically not considered 



-Emphasis on integrating conventional treatment with alternative treatments. 

Focus on treatments such as acupuncture, biofeedback and nutraceuticals along with some 

evidence-based lifestyle interventions. 

-Patient may be an active or passive recipient of care 

Treats symptoms or signs of disease not the underlying lifestyle causes. 

-Patient may not be required to make significant behavior changes 

-Physician/Provider directs care - medical model 

-Patient’s home and community environment typically not considered 



-Emphasis on evidence-based, systems biology approach that addresses underlying 

dysfunction rather than treating symptoms. 

-Focus on evidence-based lifestyle interventions with the use of pharmaceuticals, 

nutraceuticals, and biologicals when appropriate. 

-Patients are active participants in their care. 

-Patients must typically make lifestyle changes in order to improve their health. 

-Physician guides and supports patients to take control of their own health. 

-Environmental exposures and social dynamics are assessed as contributing factors. 



-Emphasis on homeopathic and naturopathic treatments such as herbs and colonics. 

-Treatments may be based on traditional practices rather than scientific evidence. 

-Focuses on treating presenting symptoms but may address underlying lifestyle causes 

-Patients may be active or passive recipients of care depending on the practitioner. 

- Patient may be required to make significant behavior changes 

-Provider directs care based on medical model 

-Patient’s home and community environment may be considered. 



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